3. Lay and level a full circle of bricks as shown in Figure 4.16.
Figure 4.16 Starting the kiln wall
4. Continue laying and levelling the bricks to form the kiln wall up to the recommended height of 75
If you have chosen to reinforce the kiln wall with
wire mesh, mortar in lengths of binding wire
between the bricks at random over the complete
diameter and overall height. Allow about 15-20 cm
of wire to protrude outside the wall. These will be
used to secure the wire mesh to the outside of the
kiln wall.
Figure 4.17 The kiln wall with wire ties
Reinforcing the kiln wall
1. Wrap the chicken wire around the outside of the kiln
wall and ensure that it is securely tied with the
lengths of binding wire protruding from the
Figure 4.18 Chicken wire reinforcement