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< prev - next > Energy Solar energy solar thermal energy (Printable PDF)
Solar thermal energy
Practical Action
A solar washing machine
An industrial solar heated washing machine was developed by FAKT, Enegética (a Bolvian
NGO), and PROPER ( A joint project between GTZ (now GIZ) & The Bolivian Ministry of
Enegry). The water is heated by solar energy
The first washing machine was installed in the hospital in Tipuipaya, Bolivia in 1996 to
replace hand washing. The electricity bill for the hospital accounted for 1/3rd of the hospital’s
budget so a conventional electric washing machine would have been too costly.
This doubled the amount of washing but there were difficulties with removing blood stains
which meant that some pre washing was required.
Other uses
There are many other uses for solar thermal technology such as solar thermal power stations that
generate electricity. These are complex technologies that require large capital investment and are
not covered in this technical brief. Many of the active solar technologies rely on sophisticated,
exotic modern materials for their manufacture. This presents problems in developing countries
where such materials have to be imported. Some countries do have a manufacturing base for
solar thermal products but it is often small and by no means widespread.
The market for solar products in developing countries, such as solar water heaters, is small but
References and resources
Articles and fact sheets
Solar Water Heating Technical Brief Practical Action
Solar Drying Technical Brief Practical Action
Solar Cooking Technical Brief Practical Action
Solar Distillation Technical Brief Practical Action
Refrigeration in Developing CountriesTechnical Brief Practical Action
Evaporative Cooling Technical Brief Practical Action
Solar Energy in the Home Boiling Point, Issue Number 36, November 1995, Practical Action /
Rozis. J & Guinebault, A , 1996 Solar Heating in Cold Regions,. Practical Action Publishing .