The foundation of the Axial Turbine is the first step of the installation process;
considering the forces produced during the full load operation, this foundation must, in
the best way, anchor the turbine frame, as well, the suction tube.
The spiral form frame of the turbine has floor anchor supports for tie down to the
concrete floor via perforations for ¾ inch bolts, previously, inserted in the concrete
A practical form of doing the foundation of the turbine is as follows: When the structure
is prepared for the pouring of the concrete, the frame of the turbine is placed with the
anchoring bolts installed and properly tied down, then pour the concrete making sure of
not moving the frame from its placement
The leveling of the turbine is done during the foundation and anchoring, prior the
concrete pouring, with the help of winch, the frame is leveled then anchored to insure
that does not move or is unleveled during the concrete pouring.
If the turbine is not properly leveled, after the concrete hardening, the frame can be
shimmed to the required level. Once the leveling has been attained, the frame is tied
down to the floor using the bolts anchored to the floor.
The foundation of the base of the generator is done in parallel with the installation of the
turbine frame and it is joined to the frame via bolts and resting on a concrete wall.
(Fig. 1 and 2)