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< prev - next > Energy Hydro power community_based_micro hydro_village_electrification_schemes_technology_approach (Printable PDF)
Understanding the basic science behind any technology helps future generations to
be more pro-active in their inventions, innovations and technology improvements.
Similarly, such an understanding would help the decision makers to make informed
decisions based on facts. This booklet is designed for the decision makers (non-energy
specialists) and the future generation to understand the basic science and technology
behind community based micro-hydro village electrification schemes.
Practical Action has worked on micro-hydro village electrification schemes for over
25 years. This community based renewable energy technology has proven to be an
appropriate energy solution for remote rural villages which are not connected to the
main electricity grid. At the heart of these schemes lie the village communities. They
are not only the consumers and owners of the schemes but are also responsible for
managing, operating and maintaining them.
Collective action is strength. In a community based micro-hydro electrification scheme,
people get together, realise that they can mutually benefit if they harness the natural
resources available in their locality, and pool their own resources and strengths in order
to achieve a common purpose. While getting some external support at the initial stages,
once the scheme is in operation it is the communities which continue reaping the benefits
with minimum external interference. External support would only be beneficial if those
who provide it understand the benefits and challenges of these types of schemes.
To help people, the science has to be transformed into action. In this booklet, it is
explained as to how the science is used in technology development and how this in turn
is transformed into infrastructure. The main attributes to be considered, assessment of
data, functions and selection of the components are explained to gain an understanding
of the community based micro-hydro village electrification schemes.