2.5. Manufacture of the intake cone and turbine wheel casing
See plans 07-09 and 09
A. Materials.
• SAE 1020 quality cast steel 1020
B. Method
The approach adopted for the manufacture of these parts involves casting,
followed by machining and polishing. Models will be required for casting,
produced in accordance with the manufacturing plans, with the respective
tolerance values for contraction of the material and machining.
The finished parts must be kept greased or protected with anti-
corrosive paints to reduce the risk of corrosion.
2.6. Manufacture of the axle-bearing supports
See plans 08 and 13 of the set of plans
A. Materials.
Steel sheeting. In accordance with dimensions A569
(ASTM) or ADC-C (Siderperú)
Electrodes. The electrodes used to manufacture the axle-
bearing supports are E6011 for penetration and E6013 for
Other: Grinding disc, files and fine and coarse abrasive
B. Method
They are manufactured in accordance with the specified plans, the other
bearing support being an overhang supported on the side of the turbine
structure, which is why the axle is in vertical position. For the lower bearing
the abutment or support is manufactured allowing for the required distance
in order for the water flowing out via the seal not to come into contact with
the bearing.