2. Coburn, Andrew et al. (1995) Technical Principles
of Building for Safety, Intermediate Technology
Publications, London (now Practical Action
Publishing, Rugby)-
3. de Soto, Hernando (1989) The Other Path: The
invisible revolution in the Third World, I.B. Tauris &
Co, London.
4. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
and the International Association for Earthquake
Engineering (IAEE) World Housing Encyclopedia,
a web-based compendium of housing types from
around the world considered to offer advantages in
earthquake resistance: http://www.world-housing.net
5. Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
(GFDRR) (2009) Guidance Notes on Safer School
Construction, The World bank, Washington DC, USA.
6. IFRC (2011) Shelter Safety Handbook – Some
important information to build safer, IFRC Geneva.
7. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)
and United Nations Development Programme –
Regional Centre in Bangkok (2007) Handbook on
Good Building Design and Construction, Aceh and
Nias Islands, Geneva,
8. Key, David (ed.) Structures to Withstand Disaster,
Thomas Telford Publications for the Institution of
Civil Engineers, London
9. Lizarralde, Gonzalo (2010) Decentralizing (Re)
construction: Agriculture co-operatives as a vehicle
for reconstruction in Colombia, in Lyons and
Schilderman (eds.) Building Back Better: Delivering
people-centred housing reconstruction at scale,
Practical Action Publishing, Rugby, UK, pp. 191-
10. Minke, Gernot (2001) Construction Manual for
Earthquake-Resistant Houses Built of Earth, GATE-
BASIN at GTZ, Eschborn, Germany, http://www2.gtz.
11. NHDA (2006) Guidelines for Housing development in
Coastal Sri Lanka, Colombo
12. Parker, Jinx (1994) Building Codes: The failure
of public policy to institutionalize good practice,
Caribbean Disaster Mitigation Project (CDMP), http://
(also published in Environmental and Urban Issues,
Vol. XXI, No. 4, Summer 1994)
13. Payne, Geoffrey and Majale, Michael (2004) The
Urban Housing Manual: Making regulatory frameworks
work for the poor, Earthscan, London.
14. Rossetto, Tiziana (2007) Construction Design,
Building Standards and Site Selection, Guidance
Note 12 in Tools for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development
Organisations, by Charlotte Benson and John Twigg,
ProVention Consortium Secretariat, Geneva, pp. 141-
152, http://www.proventionconsortium.org/themes/
15. Shelter Centre (undated) Disaster Resistant
Construction Practices, A Reference Manual http://
16. The Sphere Project (2011) Humanitarian Charter
and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response
(especially pp.242-267 Minimum Standards for
Shelter and Settlement), Practical Action Publishing,
Rugby and www.sphereproject.org.
17. United Nations Centre for Regional Development,
Disaster Management Planning, Hyogo Office
(UNCRD) (2009) From Code to Practice: Challenges
for building code implementation and the further
direction of housing earthquake safety, Records
and Outcomes of an International Symposium on
Earthquake Safe Housing, 28-29 November, 2008,
UNRCD, Tokyo, Japan
18. Yahya, Saad et al. (2001) Double Standards, Single
Purpose: Reforming Housing Regulations to Reduce
Poverty, ITDG Publishing, London (now: Practical
Action Publishing, Rugby).
For further information, contact
International Federation of
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
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Geneva, Switzerland
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