Permanent shelter
Practical Action
Facilitating design choices (creating awareness among beneficiaries of the design options,
enabling participatory decision making on the design choices, making available information on
various technology choices with regard to the use of materials and other appropriate technologies
such as renewable energy sources (e.g. biogas) and water capture units (e.g. rain water
harvesting units).
Housing designs: should be developed based on the availability of building materials, skills and
the local environment. The concept reducing, re-using and recycling waste is promoted by
Practical Action. The significant volume of building rubble left by the tsunami should be re-used
wherever possible.
Implementing construction work - prior to commencing construction, decide on logistics (of
who, when, how), create awareness and train masons and local artisans on the available
technologies and best practices in construction and how to adhere to socio-cultural practices.
Prior to construction, establish collective supervision and monitoring practices, set in motion a
mechanism for regular monitoring and reviews between house owners and implementing
Infrastructure and services
Reconstruction efforts should encompass not only the building of houses but also the provision
of effective access to infrastructure and services such as;
Access-ways - Roads, culverts, bridges.
Renewable energy facilities – generating energy through wind, water, biomass.
Waste management techniques.
Water capture, storage and distribution methods – such as rain water harvesting.
Other facilities that will accommodate, healthcare, education, recreation, governance,
commercial, communication.
Collaboration among local authorities, private sector service providers and government
organisations in charge of providing basic amenities such as roads, water and electricity is
essential in planning housing schemes.
Figure 8: Photo credit: Practical Action South Asia