This document addresses the emergency
preparedness plans that resulted from the experience
carried out in the emergency preparedness project in
Peru. The methodology will have to be revised
according to other more comprehensive risk reduction
experiences and strategies that are implemented
institutionally but that lack instruments such as the
one described here.
Conceptual aspect
The Plan is an instrument to prevent or reduce disaster-related risks and decide how to act
when an emergency takes place, by means of the participation of the vulnerable population in
problem identification and decision making.
Disaster-related risks have two key factors: the threat or possibility of the occurrence of
potentially destructive phenomena, and the vulnerability in the presence of threats; and the
capacities of individuals and institutions to reduce risks and respond to emergencies.
The Plan ensures the identification of the main problems of disaster-related risks, the causes
that generate them, and how to act in their presence.
Steps for the preparation of emergency plans
1. Identification and location of threats
We must be aware of the threats to which our
community is exposed.
Preparing a PLAN is only possible if it
relies on the participation and the
coordinated efforts of all community
We have to determine which of these may cause
emergency situations in the community. It is
therefore necessary to know:
The characteristics of potentially destructive
phenomena and the areas that could be
The causes, possible consequences, and ways to
prevent or diminish threats. To do this, it is
important to share experience and receive
technical advice from different institutions that
provide services in our community.
The history of the occurrence of destructive
phenomena, their frequency, and the measures
that were taken on these occasions
a natural
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