2. Protect and support primary production mechanisms. (SPHERE Food
security – Livelihoods Standard 1: Primary production)
The Cash for Work/land recuperation interventions provide 1) protective
measures to the environment, including trees of economic value, and
erosion control as well as 2- productive measures, including high-value
grasses for livestock pasture and the possibility that women without access
to land may use recuperated land for production. According to the director
of the Tillabéry Dept. of the Environment, productive seeds will hasten the
fertility process, more so than grasses alone. Agents should therefore
encourage farmers to adopt the same techniques in their own fields.
PRE-fertile half moons: Recuperated land as it appears before fertility is
restored. Souradja Mahaman
Re-fertilized land: The same recuperated land demonstrating evidence of
improved fertility. Souradja Mahaman