The story of Shambob
Practical Action
Learning lessons and sharing good practice
Construction activities use up the earth’s resources and contribute to its pollution. This
is an increasing concern and Practical Action’s International Shelter Programme’s
strategic focus on this sector aims to mitigate the harmful impacts locally and
One possible strategy towards more sustainable construction is to promote the use of
alternative, low-energy or renewable materials, such as earth or bamboo. The production
of simple earth blocks only requires around a thousandth of the energy needed to fire
bricks, where possible, Practical Action does take this strategy on board in its housing
projects. But there are limits to it. A combination of factors, including urbanisation,
attitudes and inappropriate building standards, are generating a raise in demand for
conventional materials such as steel, bricks and cement. This trend is hard to reverse
and, in Practical Action’s opinion, it is necessary to adopt a second strategy, aimed at
mitigating negative impacts. The biggest impact is usually caused by its energy use, and
this is where Practical Action concentrates most of its efforts.
Practical Action has worked on the issue of building materials production for over 35
years. Building on experiences in Southern Africa, Latin America and South Asia,
Practical Action produces information resources to assist others tackling similar issues
and makes those available to individuals and small scale producers world-wide:
Practical Action
The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development
Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1926 634400
Fax: +44 (0)1926 634401
Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. We know the simplest ideas can have the most
profound, life-changing effect on poor people across the world. For over 40 years, we have been working closely
with some of the world’s poorest people - using simple technology to fight poverty and transform their lives for
the better. We currently work in 15 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin America.