How to grow your own onion seed
Arid Land Information Network
when there is a lack of water or an excess of fertilizer.
Harvesting and storing seed
Each plant will yield one bulb, some leaves and - on the top - flower heads which contain the black
seeds when ripe. Harvest is done two months after the development of the flower heads. It should be
done when the capsules at the top begin to open and show the black seeds inside.
The harvested tops are laid in thin layers in a dry and well-aired room so that maturation can
continue. You can then proceed to thresh them when the grains are very dry.
• Take the bulbs up from the mother plants in the earth. Eat them or sell them immediately
because they cannot be preserved any longer.
• Put the grains in a cotton bag in a well-aired place. Germination capacity is good
for a year if they are well-stored in, dry place.