Oregano cultivation
Practical Action
At this point it is advisable to apply both a fungicide and a leaf fertiliser: the first to prevent
leaf rusting, the latter to accelerate the growth of new shoots.
Heaping / Piling
This should be done from time to time, when deemed necessary. Mount up the earth around
the plant, to protect it and to encourage it to take firm root, as well as exacerbating shoot
formation and avoiding rotted roots and fungal attack. Perform this task after cutting, at the
same time as applying the fertiliser.
By the third or fourth cutting, each plant should be established at the ridge of its furrow.
The ecological conditions for oregano production
The oregano plant can grow in a variety of soils, ranging from dry to moderately moist.
Nevertheless, it grows best in soils that are: loose, clayey, Franco, permeable and rich in
organic matter.
The plant prefers Franco-sandy soil, which can produce good oregano for up to fourteen years.
In contrast, clayey soils will reduce lifespan to five years.
Growing is possible between 50 and 3400 metres, ie. almost from sea level up to high
mountain zones. The majority of essential oils are produced in regions of colder temperature.
Oregano is resistant to the cold, although temperatures below 5°C stunt growth and burn leaf
Water sources
Initially, the irrigation supply for watering should be constant. Watering can then be reduced
to twice weekly, and from the first month onwards, once weekly.
Propagation of oregano
This can be done via
• seeding
• layering
• splitting bushes
• shoot cuttings
As is previously mentioned, it is necessary to integrate a substantial quantity of manure –
preferably decomposed – as part of the ground preparation process. The recommended
amount is ten metric tons per hectare.
There are different methods of using fertilisation. Analysis of soils has shown that the main
combinations used are as follows:
What to use?
farmyard manure + island guano
island guano + ‘lombrihumus’ (wormy humus)
island guano + ammonium nitrate
triple calcium super-phosphate + farmyard manure