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Thank you for your hard work as a student at Saylor Academy! We understand that independent study is not always easy or straightforward, and we applaud your commitment. As you work through our courses, we invite you to share your thoughts on whether our courses are meeting your needs. We will take your comments seriously in order to improve our courses and your overall learning experience.

* 2. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The course instruction was clear.
The assignment materials were too difficult.
The assignment materials were too easy.
I took this course in pursuit of college credit.
I took this course to improve my skills at my current workplace.
The course had enough instructional videos.
The course had enough assignments or ways of checking my understanding.
The course had enough relevant reading material.
The course website was easy to use.
It was easy to enroll in the course.
It was easy to track my progress in the course.
It was easy to access and use course materials.
It was easy to begin and submit assignments, quizzes, and exams.
The discussion forums were easy to use and helpful.
I am now able to demonstrate mastery of the subject.

* 3. Please replace the blank with the correct number:

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6+
I studied      hours/week.
I completed this course in      months.
I thoroughly worked through      units of this course.
I completed      quizzes for this course.

* 4. Please rate the quality of the course overall.

* 5. What suggestions for improvement do you have for this course?

* 6. If you would be comfortable with us contacting you for further information, please provide your email address.