3.5: Practice Exercises
Read from Section 3.5, "Exercises," to the end of Chapter 3, on pages 61-65. These exercises further expand the key principles in this chapter. If you are a computer professional, you will enjoy the challenges and higher-level discussions in this section. For the novice, just wander through the presentations and spend more time on the topics that are meaningful to you.
It will take a significant amount of time for you to finish these exercises. We recommend that you schedule 4 hours and attempt a few challenging exercises.
Follow these steps in order to control your computer from a mobile device.
Follow these steps to control your computer from a mobile device via Virtual Network Computing. Virtual Network Computing is a graphical desktop sharing system. It uses Remote Frame Butter Protocol to control another computer remotely. Even if you choose not to download the above apps, reading this article is still valuable as it provides an explanation of the difference between RDP and VNC.