5.1: Computing Machinery and Intelligence
5.1.1: Philosophical Issues and Turing Test
Watch the third part of this lecture series and compare his interpretation of the Turing test with what you learn later in this unit.
5.1.2: Computing Machinery and Intelligence
Read this paper by A. M. Turing, a cornerstone in the field of A.I. studies.
5.1.3: Turing Machine
This article is fairly challenging; read through it to the best of your abilities for a detailed description of the Turing Machine. After you have read this article, you should know how to define Turing machine and summarize the Church-Turing theses. Make sure you know what the Halting problem is.
5.1.4: Computability and Incompleteness
These videos cover challenging topics mentioned earlier in this unit. Watch the first lecture to learn about Hilbert's consistency program, Godels incompleteness theorem, attributes of computable functions, Church's thesis, and three approaches to computability, paying particular attention to the examples. In the second video, will learn about the Halting problem, universal Turing machine, and the undecidability proof.