4.2: Consumer Preferences and Consumer Choice
Read this section to learn about indifference analysis. Attempt the "Try It” problems at the end of the section before checking your answers.
Watch this lecture for an explanation of consumer theory, and especially mathematical representations of consumer preferences.
Watch these two lectures for an explanation of labor analysis.
4.2.1: Consumer Theory and Indifference Curves
Watch this video about equalizing marginal utility per dollar spent.
Watch this video about the types of indifference curves.
Watch this video about first degree price discrimination.
4.2.2: Utility Maximization
The optimal consumer choice in the indifference curve analysis is determined by the tangency condition between the marginal rate of transformation (MRT) and the marginal rate of substitution (MRS).
Watch this video about the optimal point on a budget line.
4.2.3: Elasticity
Read this section about price elasticity.