5.3: Requirements Analysis Methodologies
5.3.1: Process-Oriented Analysis
Read "Chapter 7: Process-Oriented Analysis" (pages 227-278).
Process-oriented analysis originated with the work of Yourdon/DeMarco and Gane/Sarson. The analysis follows a top-down approach to progressively more detailed levels of process analysis, resulting in context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and data dictionary entities. Take your time in reading and jot down any ideas or notes that stand out to you as particularly useful (or, conversely, confusing).
5.3.2: Data-Oriented Analysis
Read "Chapter 9: Data-Oriented Analysis" (pages 328-390).
Information engineering (IE) is the methodology used to illustrate data-oriented analysis. In the data-oriented approach, there is the notion that data are more stable than processes. Business area analysis (BAA), which is the IE term for analysis, begins with an analysis of data followed by business function processes resulting in entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs), data flow diagrams (DFDs), and the entity/process matrix called CRUD matrix (create, retrieve, update, delete).Take your time in reading and jot down any ideas or notes that stand out to you as particularly useful (or, conversely, confusing).
5.3.3: Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA)
Read the sections beginning with "Object-Oriented Analysis Activities" in "Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Analysis" (pages 463-500).
Unlike process-oriented (which is focused on functional thinking) and data-oriented (which is focused on entity thinking) analyses, objected-oriented analysis is focused on object thinking. Data and processes are married early in the process and encapsulated into classes/objects. Object-oriented analysis (and design) represents a paradigm shift in software development. As you read this material, bear in mind that the text illustrates this approach using the Booch notation, which has been supplanted by the Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, much of the Booch notation has been unified in UML (and is therefore still valid)--especially the class diagrams-- and classified into whole/part or generalization/specialization classes. Take your time in reading and jot down any ideas or notes that stand out to you as particularly useful (or, conversely, confusing).