Unit 2: Software Development Life Cycle Models
Software development life cycle (SDLC) refers to the process of software development. The International Organization for Standardization's ISO12207, the industry standard for software life cycle processes, describes the development process as consisting of requirements, design, code, and (three levels of) testing. There are different approaches to break down the work when developing software systems. Waterfall, v-shape, prototype, incremental, spiral, etc. are examples of SDLC models. Conceptually, each model provides specific guidance to the sequencing and repetition of life cycle activities to deliver high-quality software systems. The various life cycle models fall into two basic categories: sequential and iterative.
As you review the material in this unit, try to see the similarities in these two categories of life cycle models from the ISO12207 development process perspective (i.e., requirements, design, code, and testing). This will help you grasp the basic concepts of SDLC. This unit connects strongly with Unit 9: Project Management, since choosing and managing a software life cycle process is a central component of project management.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 9 hours.