Unit 4: Sorting Algorithms
This unit introduces algorithms that sort real numbers. Algorithms often use sorting as a key subroutine. There is a wide variety of sorting algorithms, and they use a rich set of techniques. These algorithms have different runtime complexities and work better in certain conditions. Some of algorithms that we will study include Quick Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, and Merge Sort.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 7 hours.
4.1: Introduction to Sorting Algorithms
Watch this video to learn about sorting algorithms.
Watch this video to learn about sorting algorithms.
4.2: Sorting Algorithms - Part I
Watch this video to learn about the basics of sorting algorithms.
4.3: Sorting Algorithms - Part II
Watch this video to learn about various types of sorting algorithms.
4.4: Popular Sorting Algorithms
Read this article to learn about the popular sorting algorithms in use today.
Please complete all questions in this assignment. There are two questions on the sorting algorithms. The first one involves the merge-sort algorithm and requires you to work through the merging part of the algorithm. The second one then asks you to implement the merging work that you just completed in the first problem. You can check your answers against the Answer Key.