Unit 2: The Key Components of a Resume and Cover Letter
Now that you have an understanding of the basic function of a professional resume, you can focus on the key components of a resume in greater detail. In this unit, you will study the kinds of content and categories often included on a resume and learn how the arrangement of these components can change based on the information and accomplishments you wish to emphasize to a potential employer. You will consider which categories you would like to include on your own resume, and then you will draft your resume by listing your major accomplishments, professional skills, and other pertinent information in an organized manner under these categories. In addition, you will draft a cover letter to accompany your resume. Finally, you will explore some common design elements frequently used on a resume and learn about simple techniques for effectively formatting and styling a resume. By doing so, you will lay the groundwork for polishing your resume in Unit 3.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 1.5 hours.
2.1: Anatomy of a Resume
Read this section to get a better understanding of the type of information that will help you identify yourself on your resume and inform your reader of the specific purpose of your job search. Headers and objectives are essential because generally it is the first bit of information that you will give to your reader.
This section provides guidance on how to present your educational experiences in a resume and some examples. Some employers require that you possess a certain level of education in order to be considered for a job. Therefore, you should not leave any doubt in your reader's mind about your level of education.
This reading describes how to describe your work experience to the reader. This section of your resume is arguably the most important component. Most employers will look to this section to see if you have the skills and experience you need to be able to do the job. Your work experience should highlight the types of experiences that directly align with the type of job you are applying for.
This section will describe how best to highlight any specific accomplishments or skills that you may possess that will enhance your chances of getting hired and performing well on the job.
2.2: Cover Letters
This section of the textbook describes the importance of including a cover letter with your resume. This reading will help you determine what type of information you should put in a cover letter. It will also help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and how you can match your cover letter to the job description.
Read about how to create an audience-friendly cover letter here. This reading offers sample of cover letters and guidance on how to personalize your own cover letter.
Read each of the three sample cover letters provided in this section.
2.3: What is a Portfolio?
Portfolios are a specific type of documentation that allow people to show actual examples of their work and skills as a way to indicate they will be able to perform well at the position they seek. Portfolios are more detailed than a resume. Read this short description of what a portfolio is and who uses them.