• Unit 2: Creating a Block Style Business Letter

    There are several styles of business letters. In this unit, you will learn the basic block style business letter used in many offices. Pay particular attention to spacing, as it is an important component of this style. 

    In the newer versions of Microsoft Word the default spacing style is the Normal Style, which automatically creates a space after each paragraph. This spacing style is not appropriate for business letters. Rather it is better suited for on-screen spacing. You will use the No Spacing style when creating documents for this unit.

    This unit also discusses non-printing characters. These are on-screen characters that are viewed when the Show/Hide button (¶) is enabled. They allow a "background" view of the document to see if correct spacing and other formatting techniques were used. Here is a list of three non-printing characters you will see and use in the following two units:

    ¶ appears each time the Enter key was pressed

    · appears each time the Space bar was pressed

    → appears each time the Tab key was pressed

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 1 hour.