2.1: Interpersonal Communication
Read this chapter for an in-depth discussion of interpersonal communication and its functions. Pay close attention to the definition of interpersonal communication in our daily lives. This chapter covers content for sub-subunits 2.1.1 through 2.1.6. After reading the chapter, complete the discussion questions and write definitions for the key terms listed at the end of the chapter. These assignments will help prepare you for the final exam.
Please read all of Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Processes on pages 395 through 466. You have seen some of these concepts previously, but pay close attention because this chapter reinforces the elements of interpersonal communications and relationship building. This content is also available in HTML format here.
Note that although the site and title are different, the content is identical.
Watch this classroom video. In this episode of Glass in the Class, guest speaker Larry Fournillier provides examples of how interpersonal communication strategies have allowed him to develop relationships that have improved his business.
In this video Professor Carl Isaacson presents a classroom lecture on interpersonal communication and the stages of relationship development with examples from our daily lives.
In this video Professor Isaacson discusses how we use language to control or lose control during interpersonal conflict situations. He uses examples from daily life to help students understand conflict resolution.