1.6: Grammar Capsule: The Anatomy of a Sentence
1.6.1: Parts of a Sentence: Subject and Predicate
Read this chapter, which covers the parts of a sentence, how to ensure grammatically correct sentences, and ways to vary sentences.
1.6.2: Adding to the Mix: Parsing a Sentence Into Its Various Constituents
Read this article. Varying sentence structure in your writing helps your writing flow for your audience and can help keep your readers' interest.
1.6.3: Identifying Fragments and Run-On Sentences
Review this article on sentence fragments.
Review this page on run-on sentences.
If you feel you need additional help with fragments and run-ons, click on the link above and read this optional guide.
1.6.4: Subject-Verb Disagreement
Read this article. Subject-verb disagreement, where the conjugation of the verb does not match the point of view (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural) of the subject, is a common error in writing.
Review this page on subject-verb agreement.
1.6.5: Verb Tenses
Read this article about when to use the following verb tenses: present simple, past simple, and present perfect. A common mistake in writing is to shift verb tenses, for example, by writing in the present tense and then shifting to the past tense. To avoid this, try to choose the appropriate verb tense and use it consistently throughout your writing.