1.4: Prewriting
1.4.1: Introduction to Prewriting
One challenge for many writers, be they beginners or seasoned professionals, is how to get started. Reflect on your own experiences with writing—have you ever had trouble organizing your ideas? Many writers find prewriting activities useful. Prewriting is important because writing is a process that helps you learn, not just an exercise in which you set down on paper the things you already know. Prewriting can help you figure out what you know, what you still need to know, and how various pieces of your argument fit together. Read this lecture introducing two common prewriting techniques and complete the practice exercises.
1.4.2: Prewriting Questions
Follow this link to read from a chapter on beginning the writing process. Read section 8.1, “Applying Prewriting Models.” In Subunit 1.4.1, you tried out two prewriting techniques: freewriting and idea mapping. This reading introduces additional techniques, in addition to reviewing the two you have already experienced. As you work through the reading, complete Exercise 2 and Exercise 3, which focus on two new aspects of prewriting: asking questions and narrowing your focus. After completing these exercises, take a moment to reflect on your experiences with prewriting so far in this unit. Consider: Had you used any of these prewriting techniques in the past? Which ones were new to you? Which technique or techniques do you plan to implement in the future?
As you have seen in our previous materials, you may want to proceed through several stages of prewriting as you develop a topic. Additionally, different types of writing assignments may be suited to different prewriting processes. Follow the link to watch a short video outlining a prewriting process for developing an argumentative essay. You will practice argumentative writing in Unit 2.