2.1: Atoms and Elements
2.1.1: History of the Elements
Read the "Elements" section. Elements get their names from many sources. The "new" elements are purely synthetic and are usually named by the scientist who develops them. What would you name an element?
2.1.2: Dalton and Atomic Theory
Read the "Atoms Become Real" section. Familiarize yourself with the laws of conservation of mass, constant composition, and multiple proportion. These concepts play a key role in Dalton's atomic theory. Also look at the section on relative masses of atoms, which arose from Dalton's theory.
2.1.3: Subatomic Particles and Isotopes
Read "The Nuclear Atom" section on subatomic particles. The section also covers isotopes and isotopic notation - the concept that a given element type can possess different numbers of neutrons. These concepts were not part of Dalton's atomic theory. Can you identify why?
Watch these lectures to reinforce the concepts covered in the reading assignment.
2.1.4: Atomic Masses
Read the "Atomic Masses" section. The concept of unified atomic masses is introduced.