• 4.3: Web Literacy for Fact-Checking

    The web is unique and differs substantially from traditional print materials. This learning pathway will focus on practical strategies, tactics and tools to support learners when analysing and evaluating contemporary news and other resources on the web.

    Upon successful completion of this subunit you will be able to:

    • Source previous fact-checking work using site restricted searches, reputable fact-checking sites and critically assessing Wikipedia articles on the respective topic.
    • Apply “upstream” strategies to identify original sources taking knowledge of sponsored content, syndication and digital tactics to source viral content and original image sources into account.
    • Read laterally consulting third party resources to evaluate authority of the source and consulting high quality secondary sources.
    • Verify the identity of a Twitter account.
    • Use the wayback machine to assess the history of selected websites; and
    • Apply Google techniques to support your fact-checking work.