• 3.1: Why Open Matters

    Open windows.jpg
    In this introductory subunit, we commence our journey with a reflection on why open matters for learning in a digital age. We will consider the meaning of freedom to learn and the current state of access to published research knowledge in a digital world. The purpose of this subunit is to establish the context for open education, copyright and open licensing as it relates to learning in the 21st century. 

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights commits to free education, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. The notion of “free” education is not extended to the tertiary level, despite the fact that in a digital world the marginal cost of replicating digital content is near zero. In this subunit, we explore the possibilities of open online initiatives to widen access to tertiary education in more affordable ways.

    Upon successful completion of this subunit you will be able to:

    • Explain the importance of sharing knowledge freely within the context of global demand for access to education.
    • Discuss the implications of why open matters for learning in a digital age.