Degree Map
TESU Courses Saylor Academy Equivalent Method of Earning Credit TESU Credit I. General Education Requirements 39 A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 credits) Written Communication (6 credits) ENC-101 English Composition I ENGL001: English Composition I TECEP ENC-102 English Composition II ENGL002: English Composition II TECEP Oral Communication (3 credits) - Choose 1 Course COM-209 Public Speaking COMM101: Public Speaking Complete COM-209 Online Course ENG-202 Technical Communication No Saylor Academy Equivalent (parts of ENGL210: Technical Writing do overlap) TECEP Quantitative Literacy (3 credits) MAT-121 College Algebra MA001: College Algebra Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP Information Literacy (3 credits) - Choose 1 Course SOS-101 Living in the Information Age or any other course fulfilling requirement from TESU No Saylor Academy Equivalent Complete SOS-101 Online Course (Or other TESU course that fulfills requirement) B. Understanding the Physical and Natural World (3 Credits) - Choose 1 Course CHE-111 General Chemistry I CHEM101: General Chemistry I Saylor Direct Credit BIO-101 Introductory Biology BIO101: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology Saylor Direct Credit C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (9 Credits) ECO-112 Microeconomics ECON101: Principles of Microeconomics Saylor Direct Credit, TECEP, or CLEP ECO-111 Macroeconomics ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics Saylor Direct Credit, Portfolio, or CLEP POS-101 Introduction to Political Science POLSC101: Introduction to Political Science Saylor Direct Credit, TECEP or Portfolio D. Civic and Global Learning (9 Credits) Ethics Course (3 credits) - Choose 1 Course PHI-286 Contemporary Ethics PHIL103: Moral and Political Philosophy Saylor Direct Credit or Portfolio ETH-210 Environmental Ethics ENVS203: Environmental Ethics, Justice, and World Views Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP Diversity Course (3 Credits) HIS-126 World History from 1600-Present HIST103: World History in the Early Modern and Modern Eras TECEP Civic Engagement POS-282 Introduction to Comparative Politics POLSC221: Introduction to Comparative Politics Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP E. Mathematics (3 Credits) STA-201 Introduction to Statistics MA121: Introduction to Statistics Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP II. Management Core 18 ACC-101 Principles of Financial Accounting BUS103: Introduction to Financial Accounting Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP ACC-102 Principles of Managerial Accounting BUS105: Managerial Accounting Saylor Direct Credit or TECEP LAW-201 Business Law BUS205: Business Law and Ethics Saylor Direct Credit or Portfolio MAN-301 Principles of Management BUS208: Principles of Management Saylor Direct Credit or Portfolio MAR-301 Principles of Marketing BUS203: Principles of Marketing Saylor Direct Credit or Portfolio COS-101 Introduction to Computers/CIS CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I Saylor Direct Credit or Portfolio III. Free Electives (Pick 1) 3 OPM-351 Business Statistics BUS204: Business Statistics Saylor Direct Credit COM-373 Managerial Communications BUS210: Corporate Communication Saylor Direct Credit MAN-432 Small Business Management BUS305: Small Business Management Portfolio NEG-401 Negotiations and Conflict Management BUS403: Negotiations and Conflict Management TECEP MAN-435 Project Management BUS402: Project Management Portfolio CMP-354 Network Technology CS402: Computer Communication and Networks TECEP POS-299 POLSC201: Introduction to Western Political Thought Saylor Direct Credit Total 60 Note: Students who enrolled in the Open ASBA degree program before the July 2015 or July 2016 semesters and continue to remain enrolled are grandfathered in to the requirements for this degree as they were at that time. If you are one of those students and have a question about those previous requirements, please contact your TESU advisor.