2.2 The Individual Artist
Artists work in a variety of different ways. Read this section to get a sense of the individual differences in artists' style of work.
Reflect on the following discussion prompt. If you wish, please post your thoughts on Saylor's discussion forum. Leave a reply to your classmates' posts as well!
View at least five short videos from Art21. You can search for artist’s names by alphabet at the top middle of Art21’s homepage. Watch how they work and what they say about their process. Then place one artist in each of the following categories:
- List the artists you viewed.
- Who surprised you the most?
- Which artist was most concerned with the process of making the work?
- Which artist was most concerned with creativity in the idea for their art or the work itself?
- Which artist was most concerned with materials?
Please post your response in the course's discussion forum, which is accessible via the link above. Leave a reply there and check back to see what some of your classmates have written. Feel free to leave comments on your classmates' posts.
Note: It is possible that these videos may only be viewable in the United States.
- List the artists you viewed.