7.4: Using Others' Writing Correctly
In Section 8.2 of the textbook, read the text below the headings titled "Plagiarism - and How To Avoid It" and "Forms of Citation." Be sure that you understand the underlying reasons why it is important to cite where you have found information. Many students learn how to cite without understanding that citation is an important research tool and a critical component of academic integrity - not a meaningless rule. After you have completed this reading, work through the checkpoint exercises at the end of the section.
Just like words, ideas also belong to the original writer. In college, you will be encouraged to read and use other people's words and ideas, but you will need to know the correct and incorrect ways to do so! Many students struggle with knowing what is common knowledge and what needs a citation. If you are ever in doubt about whether to cite something or not, err on the side of caution and cite it. You will never get in trouble for telling someone where you found your information - but you might get in trouble if you do not. You have already explored several great online resources and citation manuals. For your convenience, links to two important citation styles, MLA and APA, have been provided again below for your review. Click on one or both of the links below to further explore these resources. Specifically pay attention to the menu of clickable links that run down the left-hand side of the page. These links include both style guides as well as examples of specific citations and documents that you can use as models. Do this right now, while you are thinking about citations. Don't wait until you need this information at the end of a research assignment! Because different instructors may ask for different types of citation formats, it might be a good idea to bookmark both of these webpages for later use.
The website above contains three videos (including a quiz). Start by clicking on the words "1. What is Plagiarism?" to watch the first video and learn about what plagiarism is and some possible consequences that committing plagiarism could bring to your academic career. Continue to the second video by clicking on the words "Click Here for Part 2" on your screen. This section will explain how to cite your research in the correct way in order to avoid plagiarism. Continue to the third video by clicking on the words "Click Here for Part 3." When you come to the quiz show section, select your answers and then read the responses. After you have finished watching these videos, take the time to locate and familiarize yourself with your own college or university's academic honesty policy by searching the school's website or asking an advisor.
Read this article to learn about the complex issue of crediting your sources in order to avoid plagiarism. Following your reading, answer the following questions in your notebook: How do you feel about the different examples described in the article? Have you ever been in a situation where you were not sure whether you should cite a source? Considering what you know now, how would you have handled that situation?
Many new college writers struggle with how to integrate the research they have collected from other sources into their own writing. Learning the mechanics of how to do this is one thing (which you learned earlier in this unit) but what about style? Read the "Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing" resource found via the first link below to understand your different choices. Then, click on the second link below, which provides you with an essay and a sample summary, paraphrase, and quotation from the essay. Before reviewing the sample summary, paraphrase, and quotation, you may want practice writing your own summary, paraphrase, and quotation based on the essay, and then compare your work to the sample provided. Make sure you understand how these elements are different from each other and how to create your own summary, paraphrase, and quotation in the future.
Read this guide to quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing another author's work. You will use this resource to inform your own summary, paraphrase, and quotation in the reading below.
Read this sample essay. Then, in your notebook, write down your own summary, paraphrase, and quotation from the essay before reading the examples provided below the essay. How do your summary, paraphrase, and quotation compare with those on the webpage?