Unit 1: Building and Working Towards Educational Goals
The first unit of this course will help you clarify your individual educational goals and formulate plans to work toward those goals. You will define your own values as they relate to your plans for college, and then you will create a set of specific goals that match your values. Creating both general and specific educational goals and plans will help you understand your academic pathway and identify direct ways to achieve your educational goals. In short, you will have a chance to consider why you are in college (or why you should consider enrolling in college), what you want to get out of the college experience, and how you can design a plan that helps you get there.
Don't worry too much about whether the goals you set now could change later in your college experience. At this point in your education, the main point is to set out some thoughtful goals and start working towards them, rather than wandering through your college experience without any goals at all, or worse yet, working towards goals that somebody else has set for you.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 6 hours.
Unit 1 Assessment
SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-framed. In this assessment, you will look over the goals you set for yourself in this unit and evaluate them according to the SMART parameters.