6.3: Understanding Yourself as a Visual: Being on Stage
Read this brief article, which reinforces the theme that began this course: Working in customer service is similar to the work of an actor on a stage.
Think about where you fit into the customer service environment. This course has covered many aspects of that setting, but only you can relate the topics covered to the circumstances in which you work, now or in the future. Considering yourself as a visual is one straightforward way to make that leap from the theoretical to the practical, so as you read through this material, think about how it relates to your own working conditions.
Read this section and consider the first impression you make on others. Does your posture need improving? When you make a presentation, think about how you can improve your appearance to positively impact your message delivery.
Read this chapter about customer service. Pay particular attention to the section on "Customer Orientation" and how your connection to the customer impacts the sales process and customer satisfaction.
What is charisma? While we recognize it when we see it, can we specifically define this trait? Read this article about the habits of charismatic people and how they engage with others. Consider your own traits and how you can incorporate some of these habits into your own behavior to reach higher levels of success.
Do you know how to "dress for success?" Are you familiar with all of the factors that can impact your appearance in the workplace and your potential for career growth? Read this article about dress, grooming, and personal hygiene. While the article is about careers in engineering, the topics covered can be applied to all fields of industry.
This article makes a connection between your outlook and your look. When you pursue a career in customer service, it is very important that you recognize how what you feel inside can show itself on your outside. To succeed, you must discipline yourself, like an actor on a stage, to play the role you have chosen. Taking this course on customer service is a good way to become more familiar with that role, but remaining conscious of the unique communication elements you encounter on your own is another very good step toward becoming a confident, effective, and happy customer service representative.