3.6: Listening For Specifics
You may not always be the speech presenter or speaker. Many times, you'll be in the audience yourself. Active listening is a skill that can make you a more effective speaker in the long run. This reading will help you become a good active listener.
Read this brief article, which provides a few basic guidelines for listening face-to-face and making eye contact.
When you listen, how much of the information do you retain? View this interactive video to see how well you can recall information presented to you.
As you read through this material, think about the different kinds of customers you may face and how you can more effectively listen so that you can better meet their needs.
Evaluating what we have heard is essential to comprehension and to ensuring that we can respond appropriately. Read this article about the evaluating stage of the listening process.
Even after we apply our best listening skills, our listening can still compromise our comprehension ability. Read this chapter about the barriers to effective listening. Consider the ways in which you can mitigate these factors.