2.1: Using Audience Analysis to Communicate Effectively
This article describes how you can apply audience analysis to prepare for and interact effectively with customers.
Sections 5.2 and 5.3 cover the types of analyses that focus on audience traits -- in contrast to audience behavior. Be aware that although the reading focuses on speaking to a class of students, the treatment of this topic applies equally to anticipating how you would speak to individuals, such as your customers.
After you read, respond to the first question in the list of exercises. Follow the instructions provided in the textbook with one exception: In the instructions, replace the word student with customer. This activity will help you recognize how your own traits, represented by the sociocultural groups in which you are a member, can influence how and why you purchase products and services. Understanding your own consumer behavior can help you recognize how your customers make decisions too.
After you have finished, click the Next Section arrow at the top right to continue on to section 5.3.
Start watching this lecture at the 1:10-mark to avoid confusing terminology. This presentation describes how you can use information obtained from segmenting audiences to anticipate the kinds of messages your customers will send your way.