7.2: Russia
7.2.1: The Russian Revolution, 1917
Read this article.
Vladimir I. Lenin, leader of the radical Bolshevik Party, issued this proclamation at the beginning of the Russian Communist Revolution on October 24, 1917. In it, Lenin rallies his communist followers and tells them that they must maintain military pressure on the weak democratic government that has ruled Russia since Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne eight months earlier. At the end of the proclamation, Lenin boldly declares, "The government is tottering. It must be given the death-blow at all costs."
In this lecture, John Merriman of Yale University discusses the causes of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. He begins by talking about the failing of the Tsarist regime of Nicholas the Second and later focuses on how the Bolsheviks gained political power between the February 1917 Revolution and the October Revolution.
7.2.2: The Bolsheviks Consolidate Power
Read this article.
7.2.3: The Rise of Stalin
Read this article, focusing on the section on Stalin.