5.2 Heidegger's "Being and Time"
5.2.1: 'Dasein' and the Ontological Question
Use this glossary to assist your reading of Heidegger's Being and Time. Spend some time scrolling through the list of entries, which will help you to better understand the material assigned later in this course.
Read this article. As you read, write down those concepts that seem most important to your study of the work - for instance, Heidegger's notion of Dasein. Refer to the glossary in sub-subunit 5.2.1, found above, to clarify the most difficult terms as you read.
Listen to the discussion. Please pay particular attention to the different ways in which Heidegger's concept of being is defined throughout. Write down all the different characterizations of being that you encounter in the discussion.
5.2.2: The Worldhood of the World
Listen to the lectures 5 and 6. In these lectures, Dr. Dreyfus discusses Heidegger's idea of the "worldhood of the world." As you listen to the lecture, pay particular attention to what the world is, according to Heidegger. What makes the world the world?
5.2.3: Heidegger's Critique of Descartes
Listen to lectures 7 and 8. As you listen to Dr. Dreyfus' lecture, consider the following questions: What is Heidegger's main issue with the philosophy of René Descartes? How is René Descartes' philosophy doomed from the start, according to Heidegger? What does Heidegger suggest as a starting point for any philosophical investigation?
5.2.4: Understanding
Listen to lecture 15. As Heidegger attempted to revolutionize philosophy, he also tried to re-define some of its most important concepts, such as the idea of understanding. Pay close attention to the way in which Heidegger does this. As you listen to this lecture, note the distinction that Dr. Dreyfus makes between primordial understanding and basic understanding.
5.2.5: Care
Listen to lecture 22 from the 7:30-minute mark to the end. Although the track is called "Reality I," lecture 22 begins Dreyfus' discussion of Heideggerian care. The lecture sequence and the track names are mismatched. As you listen, consider the following questions: What is meant by the term care, according to Heidegger? How is Heidegger's notion of care different from how the idea is commonly understood? What role does care play in Heidegger's analysis of our own being?
5.2.6: Truth
Listen to lecture 25. Although the track is called "Introduction I," lecture 25 considers Heidegger's notion of truth. The lecture sequence and the track names are mismatched. What is it about this notion of truth that makes it radically different from the ways in which you might commonly think of truth?