6.5: Specialized Fungi
6.5.1: Penicillium
Read this article on the fungus from which the antibiotic penicillin is derived.
6.5.2: Saccharomyces
Read this article about Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, which makes baker's and brewer's yeast, which is then used to bake bread, brew beer, and ferment wine.
Complete this quiz. After completing the quiz return to the first page and click on "Answers" to see the correct answers. There is a detailed introduction to this assessment above the "Self-Quiz." Be sure to visit the "Results" section, also note that clicking on the links under the empty frames brings you to annotated micrographs.
Complete this quiz. After completing the quiz return to the first page and click on "Answers" to see the correct answers. There is a detailed introduction to this assessment above the "Self-Quiz." Be sure to visit the "Results" section, also note that clicking on the links under the empty frames brings you to annotated micrographs.