5.4: Gram-Negative Bacilli
5.4.1: Pseudomonas
Read the section titled "Pseudomonas aeruginosa".
5.4.2: Brucella
Read this article from the CDC to learn about Brucella, which typically infects only animals but can also infect humans with as little as 10 to 100 Brucella cells.
5.4.3: Bordetella and Legionella
Read this chapter covering Bordetella, Haemophilus, and Legionella. Take advantage of the PowerPoint lecture slides as you study. There is a very helpful diagram on the binding of pertussis toxin to the cell membrane. To access the diagram, click on the link to the diagram about half way down the left side panel.
5.4.4: Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia
Read the sections "Escherichia coli," "Shigella," "Salmonella," and "Yersinia." Some of these names might be familiar to you. For example, you might have heard of Escherichia before; it is the "E" in E. coli, one of the most commonly studied organisms in microbiology. Meanwhile, Salmonella is most commonly found on uncooked meats and raw vegetables and is one of the most common agents of food poisoning. Salmonella has nothing to do with the fish, salmon; it was named after Daniel Salmon, the first individual to hold a doctorate in veterinary medicine in America. Lastly, Yersinia is the cause of the bubonic plague, one of the deadliest diseases in human history. Also known as the "Black Death," it wiped out entire cities and killed hundreds of millions of people. It was so devastating that the total population of Europe was not able to recoup its numbers until more than a century later, permanently altering the course of European history.