3.1: Bacterial Growth
3.1.1: Growth and Nutrition Requirements
Read this this chapter to learn about the requirements necessary for bacterial growth. Be sure to read each of the subsequent pages in the chapter.
3.1.2: Generation Time
Read this lecture about the concept of generation time. Test your knowledge with the short quiz at the bottom of the page.
3.1.3: Bacterial Growth
This chapter provides an overview of bacterial growth. Be sure to read the rest of the chapter by clicking "Chapter Continued" at the bottom of each page.
3.1.4: Estimation Methods for Population
Read this article to review the different ways bacteria can be counted.
3.1.5: Growth Control
Read this page and the following two pages. These pages discuss general microbial growth techniques: sterilization and employing physical and chemical agents. In Unit 1, you learned about the history of antimicrobial techniques, including the independent observations of Semmelweis and Nightingale.
3.1.6: Microbial Resistance
Read this page.