4.1: Environmental Justice
4.1.1: What Is Environmental Justice?
Read this definition of environmental justice according to the EPA.
Read this text, which continues from the reading assigned in Subunit 1.1.2. Start at "What is Justice?” and continue to the end of the page.
4.1.2: Applying the Concept of Justice to the Environment
Watch this video, which outlines the principles of environmental and social justice, and includes an in-depth analysis of how Machiavellian movements influence the decisions made in society. The video's introduction takes several minutes, but stick with it. How do you think our concepts of environmental justice change with economic pressures? For example, do you believe that in times of positive economic growth we allow more thought and money to be applied to the environment?
4.1.3: Environmental Prejudice Understanding Prejudice and Its Effects
Read this article, which discusses the ways discrimination, oppression, and internalized oppression can affect individuals or groups, and, in turn, communities. It then goes on to discuss how these issues may be addressed and resolved. As you read the text, what do you think is the biggest driver of prejudice? And do you believe society as a whole is getting better or worse at facing the problem?
Read this article, which discusses what some think was the starting point for the environmental injustice movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. went to Memphis in 1968 to address the people dealing with a Sanitation strike. The black Americans in Memphis were subjected to environmental injustice by there being a double standard regarding environmental issues in the city. This was the last speech he gave, and was shot the next day in Memphis.
Environmental issues abound but can one person make a difference, or does it take the masses? Did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have as much effect on the future of the environmental injustice movement as some say he did? The Drivers of Environmental Prejudice
This article presents various reasons behind environmental prejudice and injustice, though it suggests there are no definitive explanations.
Read the 17 principles of environmental justice, drafted by the delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington, DC. The 17 principles help to define reasons behind environmental injustices, and what the summit aimed to eradicate. How likely is it that these goals will become a reality and in what time frame?
After you have finished watching/reading, reflect on the following questions. If you wish, please post your thoughts on the discussion forum. Leave a reply to your classmates’ posts as well!
How do you think governments may be able to tackle the issues of environmental injustices? What could be done internationally? Brainstorm some ideas that you think would work in our current society. Also, state what you think has not worked in the past.