1.2: Environmental Ethics
1.2.1: What Is Environmental Ethics?
Read the Economics portion of this webpage, which discusses the economic valuation of the Earth’s Ecosystem Services. Ecosystem services are basically the benefits that people gain from ecosystems in the world. Within this text, find the estimated value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Are you surprised by this value? Do you think it is too high or low?
Watch this lecture, which introduces the history and basis of the environmental ethics movement. Take notes as you watch the video; in particular, note the perceived importance of the ecosystem services to the global economy. Also make notes on your own opinions of the importance of the environment and how you think it may shape the future of our society (if at all).
Read this article, which discusses a central issue of environmental ethics: whether nature has value. The "Notes” section of the entry outlines some of the major opinions surrounding this issue. Pay particular attention to the summary of Rolston's arguments, and to the four positions held by those who discuss value in nature. Aim to determine where your own beliefs may fit in the various beliefs and arguments described.
Read this article, which provides an introduction to how the topic of environmental ethics is viewed around the world, which we will explore further in Unit 2. How do you perceive Western culture dominating the discussion about modern-day environmental ethics? Do you feel it is ahead of or behind the views of other parts of the world, and what role do you believe the media plays in portraying this culture?
1.2.2: The Tragedy of the Commons
Read this entry, taking notes as you read.
Read this article, which introduces several key terms central to an understanding of the "tragedy of the commons." As you read, take notes on each of the terms.
1.2.3: Climate Ethics
Read this article, taking notes as you read. This article talks about what traditional ecological knowledge is, how its use has changed over time, how it is being used by organizations like the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and describes methods on how data is being collected.
Watch this short video explaining what radiometric dating is and how it has been used to estimate the age of fossil specimens. This data is important now when talking about climate change and how the Earth and the life on Earth has changed over time so we can predict what may happen in the future.
The video shows an interview with Dr. Donald Brown from Penn State University, and discusses ethical questions linked to our climate. As you listen to the discussion, think about your own position on these types of questions. For instance, do you believe it is ethical for an energy company to pay for climate change propaganda?
As you watch the video, also question your understanding of how actions in one part of the world can affect other parts of the world. The basis of this argument begins to form the idea of environmental justice, which we will discuss in Subunit 4.1.
The participants in the podcast discuss the future of ethical decisions that will affect the balance between economic growth and climate change mitigation. The discussion centers around decisions about environmental issues made during recent world summits, which greatly determine the future for ethical approaches to our climate, and how these goals may be met while still maintaining global development. As you listen, attempt to make a stance on what you believe is the right thing to do in balancing the future of our climate with economic growth.
1.2.4: Animal Rights
This video discusses moral status and speciesism, what characteristics of a subject give it moral concern. The speaker brings up the thoughts that what species you are gives you a moral status.
This video gives a history of the animal rights movement and recounts the struggle that animal rights campaigns have encountered. The speaker has a clear bias towards animal rights, which you may or may not choose to agree with. Some of the changes in the attitudes towards animals go hand in hand with the developments in the environmental movement during the same period. These changes in the environmental movement and accompanying laws will be discussed further in Unit 5.
Language Advisory: Please note that the lecturer briefly uses strong language around minute 19:30 of the video. Feel free to skip over this section of the video if preferred.
Read this article for an introduction to the topic of animal rights. At the end of the short introduction, there is a series of "important questions”; attempt to briefly answer these questions using your own views about animal rights. Continue to read the "Notes” section, which outlines some of the major opinions surrounding this issue. At the end of this section, there are three questions. Write a short answer to these questions based on your reading thus far and your personal views.