Unit 3: Sales Presentations
At the heart of every sales position, there is a component of skill. Ultimately, successful sales persons must be able to develop a sales presentation, present it to prospects, and then ask for the order. Knowing when and where to find prospective clients is the start of the process. Once a potential client base is identified, the sales professional must then adapt a presentation for that target audience that presents their product or service in a persuasive manner. This unit will help you learn to prepare for and present an effective sales presentation. As part of this process, you will be asked to prepare a short sales presentation and record it. You will then post the video to the discussion forum and make it available for critique by your classmates. You will also be asked to reflect on your own sales video and evaluate your work.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 12 hours.
Unit 3 Summary
The persuasive sales presentation is at the heart of the sales profession. Presenting material to clients and prospects is the fundamental skill that must be developed in order to flourish in your career. You should now understand that a successful presentation includes prospecting, research, material preparation, learning how to overcome objections, and practice. This unit gives you an outline for how to develop a sales presentation. You will need to spend significant time in preparation and practice to be able to deliver compelling sales presentations.