7.1: Social Thinking
Please watch this lecture from Dr. Paul Bloom's "Introduction to Psychology" course at Yale University.
Read this chapter, which provides an overview of social psychology. Many psychologists would agree that most emotional and behavioral problems are essentially social and interpersonal problems. Not only are psychological difficulties typically caused or maintained by interpersonal processes, but also problems typically manifest themselves in the course of personal relationships. Many emotional and behavioral problems are rooted in "normal" interpersonal processes – precisely the processes that social psychology describes. As you study this unit think about how people impact one another. How does this impact our homes, community, and world?
7.1.1: The Attribution Theory
Read this article to learn about this important theory regarding causal inferences in social psychology.
As you watch this video, consider the following questions: What happens when we consider our own behavioral attributes? Are we more likely to think we are victims of our own circumstance?
7.1.2: The Fundamental Attribution Error
Read this article to learn about this important concept in social psychology.