Unit 4: Organizing Content and Information for More Complex Websites using HTML and CSS
Now that we have a strong foundation for creating simple single-page websites, we will learn how to develop websites with several parts accessed through a menu. This unit will address contemporary best-practices for creating sophisticated websites, new technologies on the horizon, and a deprecated technique that you may find in some legacy code.
Completing this unit should take you approximately 6 hours.
Unit 4 Assessment
Please take this assessment to check your understanding of the materials presented in this unit.
- There is no minimum required score to pass this assessment, and your score on this assessment will not factor into your overall course grade.
- This assessment is designed to prepare you for the Final Exam that will determine your course grade. Upon submission of your assessment you will be provided with the correct answers and/or other feedback meant to help in your understanding of the topics being assessed.
- You may attempt this assessment as many times as needed, whenever you would like.