Khan Academy on a Stick
Let's think more visually about things like shifts, rotations, scaling and symmetry.
Axis of symmetry
Do you know identical twins? Or maybe you are one? If so, then you know something about symmetry. In geometry, the axis of symmetry separates two identical sides.
Rotating polygons 180 degrees about their center
Constructing quadrilateral based on symmetry
Constructing a shape by reflecting over 2 lines
Let's get an intuitive understanding for symmetry of two dimensional shapes.
Exploring rigid transformations
Let's use some pretty cool software widgets to see how we can transform a shape through translations, rotations, dilations and reflections.
Dilations or scaling around a point
We understand the idea of scaling/dilation from everyday life (hey, let's make it bigger or smaller keeping the same proportions!). In this tutorial, you'll understand this type of transformation in a much, much deeper way.