Khan Academy on a Stick
Expressions and equations with exponents
Let's build our toolkit that allow us to manipulate exponents algebraically.
Negative exponents
In this tutorial, we're going to significantly deepen our understanding of the world of exponents. In particular, we'll look at what it means to raise something to a negative exponent.
Exponent properties involving products
Exponent Properties Involving Products
Exponent properties involving quotients
Exponent Properties Involving Quotients
Products and exponents raised to an exponent properties
Exponent properties 1
When multiplying numbers with common base, add exponents
Exponent properties 2
Exponent Properties 2
Exponent properties 3
Exponent Properties 3
Exponent properties 4
Exponent Properties 4
Exponent properties
In this tutorial, you will learn about how to manipulate expressions with exponents in them. We'll give lots of example to make sure you see a lot of scenarios. For optimal learning (and fun), pause the video before Sal does an example.