the Earth
Level: 9-12
Many students have little understanding or appreciation for
the process of science. Students should be involved in doing science,
taking measurements, collecting data at the very beginning of the school
year. This activity presents an opportunity for community participation.
The purpose of this activity is to get students interested and involved
in doing science; give them a reason to use some of the math they have
learned; and develop a feeling of cooperation in working with people from
other schools.
Students will be able to:
i. Work effectively in a small group
to take accurate measurements at a specific time. |
ii. Apply their knowledge of geometry
and trig. to determine the measure of an angle. |
iii. Use significant digits in their
reports. |
iv. Calculate percent error. |
v. Use their research skills to determine
accepted values. |
vi. Demonstrate the value of cooperation in achieving a common goal.
A meter stick or measuring tape |
and Procedures The following is an important Background Information
for the teacher. This activity goes beyond what children will ordinarily
encounter in their schoolwork. It is demanding in terms of both the activity
and the calculations.
Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician, was the first to measure the circumference
of the earth. He based his measurement of the earth on the assumptions
that the earth was round and the sun's rays are parallel. He knew that
at noon on the day of the summer solstice in Alexandria, Egypt, a vertical
post cats a shadow. At the same time in Syene, a town directly to the
south, a vertical post casts no shadow. Eratosthenes used Euclidean geometry
to determine that the angle formed by the post and an imaginary line from
the end of the shadow to the top of the post equals an angle at the earth's
center formed by imaginary lines from the two towns. He calculated the
earth's circumference by measuring the distance between Alexandria and
Syene, and multiplying it by the number of times the angle at the earth's
center is contained in 360 degrees.
i. Contact a class directly north
or south of you (in a different state if possible) and set a specific date
and time to take the measurements. |
ii. Divide the class into groups
and practice at least once before the day of the activity. They are to measure
the height of an object (a pole is good) and the length of its shadow at
a specific time. This activity should be started 15 minutes before the stated
time. |
iii. Assign several students to research
the circumference of the earth and others to find several ways to determine
the distance from your school to the other group's school (maps, auto clubs,
etc.). Eratosthenes had a slave to pace off the distance between the two
cities and report back to him. |
iv. The measure of the angle is found
by dividing the length of the shadow by the height of the object on your
scientific calculator and then push 2nd function tangent. However, this
is not the central angle. The angle from the other school must be subtracted
from your angle and the absolute value of this difference is the central
angle. The circumference of the earth can them be calculated by setting
up a ratio and solving for the circumference. The following formula can
be used: |
central angle |
360 degrees |
= |
distance from schools |
circumference |
v. The students will have to decide how many significant digits to use
in their results and then calculate the percent error from the value they
found in their research.
it all together
i. Discuss the sources of error and the fact that your results
depend on other students making accurate measurements. |
ii. If available, you should show
the first tape of the "Cosmos" which tells about Eratosthenes. |
3. The next activity might be to indirectly measure the height of a flagpole.
This is an activity that involves a number of students. Try
to find out what aspect of the activity solicits active group participation.
- Teacher may use creative ideas of distances to measure around the
school, village, or local areas.
- Calculations can be done with one calculator or can be estimated.
- The students may need to be motivated to complete the assignment through
a contest or a game.
Jane Rich, Shawnee High School, Shawnee, OK |