Keeping our environment clean
Grade Level: 4-6

Overview This particular activity is designed to allow students to investigate those items of litter that cause harm to the environment. It may be extended to increase awareness of the natural role of energy sources within the living organisms of the environment.

Purpose The purpose of this activity is to develop the habit of keeping the environment clean.

Objectives Students will be able to:

i. Observe the properties of litter from homes and industries.
ii. Determine the time it takes for various items to decompose [organic and inorganic].
iii.Identify differences/similarities between the decomposition of organic and inorganic matter.
iv. Identify practical uses in litter/garbage control.

v. Establish reasons for a recycling program.


The materials required for this activity can all be brought from home or collected from the environment.

Student Materials: science notebook, pencil

Activities and Procedures

i. Discuss with the children how litter is produced at home and in the society.
ii. Help the children to classify litter into organic and inorganic.
iii. .Select certain items to be used. Be sure to include organic and inorganic materials. Put the items in the school yard or another area where they will not be disturbed by other people. Ask the children to record any changes observed for a given period of time. This can vary from a short period of about three weeks or can be extended to a year long project.
iv. Lead a discussion with the children to suggest what could be done about the litter in their environment. What use can be made of the litter?

v. Ask the children to find out how litter is recycled in other developed countries.

Tying it all together

1.Use the observations as a springboard for a writing activity on comparisons and contrasts.
2.Create a bulletin board using the above theme and display items that can be easily recycled.
3.Study the landfill problems in your area and begin a recycling program in your school or classroom.

4.Concentrate on the organic items and begin a study of the organisms of the ecosystems and their inter-relationships.

Assessment Ask the children to write an account on how litter is disposed in their home.


  • Students may weigh the amount of litter produced in their home and project how many kilograms of litter are produced weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.
  • Students may make a chart identifying organic and inorganic litter.
  • Students may research the greatest environmental disasters of the past five years and prepare reports.

Author (s) Therese Lloyd, Holy Rosary Elementary School, Idaho Falls, ID