malaria stop
Level: 3-6
Malaria is by far, one of the prevalent causes of death among
children in Africa. This lesson covers a wide range of content necessary
for the prevention and cure of malaria. In many African countries, traditional
medicine using herbs has been combined in the treatment of malaria with
the orthodox use of malaria tablets. Research is still going on to find
a complete remedy to eradicate malaria from all parts of Africa.
In this lesson, the causes, treatment, and prevention of malaria
are presented to children with the hope that they too can contribute to
malaria eradication in Africa.
Students will be able to:
i. Recognize the symptoms of malaria |
ii. Discuss necessary steps for prevention
of malaria |
iii. Advise other children on the
treatment of malaria |
iv. Sing the malaria song.
Can of mosquito spray |
A mosquito coil |
Local herbs for treatment of malaria
Posters on malaria-causes, cure, and prevention
and Procedures
The teacher should approach this lesson stepwise:
Step One-What causes malaria?
The teacher should lead the discussion to establish the cause of malaria.
The children may already know that the mosquito causes malaria. What the
teacher should establish is the fact that not all mosquitoes carry the
malaria parasite. It is only the female anopheles mosquito that carries
the malaria parasite, called plasmodium. There are other mosquitoes-Culex,
and Aedes.
Step Two-What are the symptoms of malaria fever?
Ask the children to narrate how they
felt when they had malaria fever. Discuss with them before confirming the
following: |
- High temperature and sweating
- Trembling with fever
- Aches in the joints
- Loss of appetite.
The teacher can add any other peculiar symptoms.
Step Three-How is malaria fever cured?
The teacher should start by exploring
with the children what methods are adopted in their locality to cure malaria. |
- Use of local herbs
- Taking anti-malaria tablets prescribed by health officers
- Administering of injections under the supervision of a health officer.
Chloroquin and all the other quins have been the popular drugs prescribed
for the cure of malaria.The children will recall that the "quin" drugs
are bitter.
Step Four-How is malaria prevented?
Here again there are local ways of
driving away mosquito from a room by burning the leaves of certain plants.
In addition to that, the following are done: |
- Frequent taking of anti-malaria tablets
- Clearing of bushes around the home
- Not allowing any stagnant water near houses
- Covering windows with wire mesh
- Spraying of insect repellant in rooms
- Sleeping under a mosquito net.
Discuss all of the above with the children who may complement the above
with their own experience. The teacher should involve the children in
the discussion throughout this lesson.
it all together Children can help spread the important messages
about preventing and treating malaria to parents and other adults, as
well as to other children. They can do this in many ways:
- Putting up a play
- Making posters
- Sing the Malaria Song-Malaria is a very bad sick.
Participation of the children should be the criteria for assessing the
success of this lesson.
- This lesson could be part of a larger unit covering the most prominent
diseases in Africa.
- The students can run an anti-malaria campaign by creating pamphlets,
designing posters, and taking their information around the village in
order to educate.
- The students can do research reports about malaria and the best ways
to prevent it.
Bajah, S. T. Professor of Science Education University of Ibadan.
Child-to-Child Approach for Health Education Action.(1993) Malaria
ELSSA (1997). Stop Malaria Stop Lagos: CSS Limited
Bajah, S. T. (2000). Stop Malaria Stop Drama Lagos: CSS Limited.