i. Discuss with children the process of separating animals into groups
or categories so that they are more easily studied and discussed by scientists
and others. Explain that the activity will help students learn about the
categories of animals. * Do not give any clues at this time as to how
animals are to be categorized. Children may come up with their own unique
system of grouping.
ii. Divide the children into small groups of 3?5. Give each child several
pictures of animals. Children in each group look through the pictures
and divide their pile of pictures into 5?7 smaller categories. This is
done through small group discussion and consensus.
iii. After each group has categorized their pictures, bring the entire
class back together and let have one person from each group explain why
they grouped their pictures as they did. They will come up with groupings
by color, size, shape, extinct or not, eating habits, living habits, size
of ears and tails, etc. They will come up with categories you and I would
never dream of!
iv. Draw the attention of the children to live animals that can be observed
it all together Different categories can be used to categorize
animals into groups. Apart from the well-known categories, children can
come up with categories outside the five. The teacher should seize the
opportunity to encourage initiatives among the children. Assessment The
teacher should note which children come up with unique categorization
of the animals. The teacher should also find out which animals have been
categorized into more than one group.